Tuesday, September 22, 2009


it has been a while since my last p0st..I've been s0 busy, even n0w..but I decided to take a sh0rt break fr0m studying and just, write something...I even forget my password for accessing this..haha..
Hurm, as y'all know, its Raya right now...but I don't feel anything..If Im in Malaysia, I would be busy visiting family and friends...eat a lot and collect Raya money..haha..but here in the State, nothing...I don't even get any holidays..sigh..
miss my family a lot..thank god I could skype with them...

There's a chemistry test this Thursday..wish me luck on that..I don't want the thing happened to me in my Calculus test, happen twice..It was SO bad..huhu...There's a rumor I'm the highest in the class but even if that's true, I'm not satisfied with my marks..huhu..I'm SO dead..Doc V would want to talk to me, push me to work harder..I don't like that...please don't be t0o 'pushy'..

hurm..what else..when will JPA wired my allowance money??!!c0me on..I'm so br0ke right now..I need to buy stuff...huhu..
I need to save though..wanna buy an I phone and go to a vacation to interesting places in the States..I'm thinking to go somewhere during winter break....NYC, maybe...but first, gotta save enough money..haha..and I also have to save to go back home next year..I need to get back home!!!
I've put some weight..okay, maybe QUITE some..huhu..I need to diet so when I get back home, I can put some more, eating all of the malaysia f0od..miss all of that s0 much!!!I just, wanna eat my mom's cooking..There's no way I'm going to eat pizza..I'm sick of pizza...

That's it f0r now..gotta continue my study for the test..ad!0s!!

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