Thursday, September 30, 2010

aq kuchiwa, starbucks yg kaya.

disebabkan kekuchiwaan dan ke-tension-an yg melampau, saya telah membeli starbucks venti (size paling besar punyer) iced green tea latte sebanyak 3 kali minggu nih.
sekali ari aper ntah ari tuh. sekali mlm semlm. and sekali lagi tgh ari nih.
Ini frappucino nyer version. tp prefer latte nyer. x ke menggoda kaler hijau beliau? haha
ok, berkaitan ngan post aq sblum nih pasal starbucks, aq wat sket conclusion:
1. kalau btul la ader E471 tuh, possibility bnde tu ader pun maybe dlm chocolate since chocolate mmg kne process sumer tuh kan. kalau air green tea latte nih, dia just susu, ice, and serbuk green tea. serbuk green tea just daun teh yg dikeringkan.
2. zaman nabi Muhammad s.a.w pun baginda ader jer berurus niaga dengan orang Yahudi. *kalau salah, please btulkan sbb aq rasa aq baca artikel mna ntah cter pasal nih. x ingt dh tp ingt main pointnyer la.

kt Malaysia serious aq x minum Starbucks. aq rasa x berbaloi nk beli air yg berharga plng murah RM13 kot. ntah, aq x tau. and aq x tau nk order camner. bende kejadah latte, frappucino, cappucino, segala macam cino tu la. skrang nih baru tau aper bende tu semua. haha 
lagipun bndr Kulaijaya tuh mna ader Starbucks. Ader kt Johor and Jusco jer kot.
Tp kt sni Starbucks tu mcm mamak dh. haha.
xder la murah. kalau size venti ni harga dlm 4 usd gitu. kalau convert ke RM mmg ah sama ngan kt Malaysia. x pyh fikir convert la kalau duk sini :P

x tau knaper tapi green tea biasanyer dibeli oleh kebanyakannyer orang melayu jer kt Vandy nih. haha
omputih slalu beli kopi jer la.
pernah sekali tu green tea habis, seminggu xder green tea drinks, orang melayu sumer dh resah gelisah dah. termasuk aq. haha

serious sedap wey green tea latte. refreshing :D
*x rasa aq promoter tanpa gaji Starbucks ke? haha

ok, study2. dh x nak kuchiwa2 camni dh.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I've watched this video, obviously because the song used is Muse's : MK Ultra.
But then, this video made me think. The real world maybe worse than this. 
It's kinda disturbing. The world is pretty fucked up.
There's a bunch of MTV:Exit videos on Youtube. just search 'mtv exit'


Have you feel so stressed out, you have so many things to do, so little time, that you don't know where to start, and you know you'll fail in completing all of them anyway, so you decide to give up before you even try?

I am. right now. hopeless.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


saya dgn bangganya ingin mengatakan bahawa saya dan rakan saya, Reny, berjaya merebus 500 lebih biji ketupat mini dengan menggunakan 5 periuk nasi dalam masa lebih kurang 9 jam. haaaaa, amek.
saper g open house batch sophomore yg x puas ati dgn nasi impit tersebut, duk diam2.
x tdo mlm aq rebus sumer tuh.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Lately, byk gak rumours yg tersebar kt internet nih.

Td aq came across one, yg aq rasa dh prnh dgr dh sbelum nih, pasal starbucks tu x halal.
aq jenis yg x percaya spnuhnyer bende2 spam camni because bende tu just tulisan jer, saper2 bley wat cter tuh then sebarkan. 
x kira la pasal starbucks ke, illuminati ke, video yg kononnyer malaikat landing atas kaabah tu lah (yg nih mmg aq x percaya langsung. malaikat tu makhluk ghaib la =.=")
It's not that aq tolak bulat2 sumer bende tuh.
aq survey dlu, wat research sket. aq stil consider sumer bende2 tuh.
aq x kn percaya bulat2. *of course la kan, org pun xder yg aq percaya 100%.
ader org yg baca jer trus ckp "eh, ha'ahla x halal, ishk2," trus wat conclusion.
trus percaya. 
kalau aq, aq akan pikir "hurm, ader possibility. try cari dlu jap"
and then aq akan cuba cari dr laman web yg rasmi, kalau ader, or website yg bley dipercayai. meaning, bukan dr blog, or facebook group.

perasan x, dlm bende2 camni, sometimes politics ader role nyer gak.
berbalik ke contoh asal, pasal starbucks tuh.
aq dh cari kt website jakim e-halal, starbucks ader sijil halal.
then ader org akan argue, "ah, ader org yg x sptutnyer luluskan sijil tuh"
on what basis org tu ckp camtu?
Dh mmg keje Jakim kan nk pastikan mknn halal sblum keluarkan sijil.
Kalau btul la itu yg terjadi, Astagfirullah. Tanggung ah org tuh kt akhirat nanti.
Manusia, ader jer kot yg x puas hati ngan hidup dia, terima rasuah la, aper la.
Tp dlm Jakim, aq sure percentage bende tu kecik. Still ader possibility, tp kecik.
Kalau Jakim x bley nk percaya, deng, aper nk jadi ngan org islam kt Malaysia nih?
bley jer kalau nk argue balik "dh tuh, ntuk restoran mamak, restoran yg lain suemr tuh, yg ader sijil halal, ader jer possibility tu jugak kan?
Haaa, tu lain cter ah. lg panjang aq kne tulis kalau nk cter pasal tuh. aq ader hw chem process nk kne wat pas nih. haha
ader org yg sokong 100% and bantah 100%.

knaper sokong and knaper bantah?

but then, there's another point: starbucks ni Yahudi.

*sambung nnti ah, serious nk kne start wat hw. haha

Monday, September 20, 2010


sumer nk teruk. mati ah aq camni.
bio ni mmg killer subject btul.
aq dh study agak gler-vavi nyer beta sheet pun hancus.
kalau x study, fail trus la kot.
knaper plak chemical engineer kne study bio?
1 course ni jer plak tuh.
ntah aper2 ntah.

yg math plak, aq mmg x suker soklan true false. kt situ plng byk mkn markah. haih.
mmg ah org kata bru 1st test, ader test lain.
kalau 1st dh truk camni, yg akan dtg yg lg byk and susah nk kne ingt, camner plak?
Ya Allah, kuatkan semangat hamba-Mu ini ntuk meneruskan perjuangan ini.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


It's kinda fascinating. What type of people that will get into your life.
The one that will love you.
The one that will help you.
The one that will hate you.
The one that will hurt you.
Not to mention the one that you will love,
the one that you will help,
the one that you will hate,
the one that you will hurt.

It's a cycle. A vicious one, to be exact.
People don't like you and you're wondering why.
Well maybe it's the same reason why you don't like certain people.

I took a personality test that was suggested by a friend.
And in the result, it stated there that I'm the type that won't trust people easily.
I think there was an entry before, saying I never had trusted anyone 100%
I'm not being paranoid. *this is stated in that result too.
I'm just, afraid of getting hurt. Afraid of getting betrayed, stabbed in the back.
I'm fragile. Very fragile.
I got to admit that.
Certain people that know me maybe think I'm strong, etc.
I'm not.
I'm just pretending to be one. 
If people are scared, and can't go on, I'll step up, I'll pretend to be brave, I'll try to guide them along the way. Even though only god know how scared I am too.

There's this feeling that I need to be the hero when no one else is willing to.
But then, who's gonna be my hero when I need one?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Es fin de semaña!

Yes, it's weekend!
For some reason, minggu nih rasa penat sangat.
One of the reason got to be because I only slept for 3-4 hours every night, this week.
yes. wtf.
I drink either diet coke or french vanilla latte every night, to keep me awake. I got 2 tests this week. even though I studied pretty hard for them, I still screwed them up. deng. beta-sheet antiparallel barrel.
Anyway, what happened, already happened. I need to work harder.

Kick off the weekend, aq lepak kt bilik atok. main halo.
walaupun teruk kne belasah. asyik kne tembak dr belakang, x sempat nk pusing dh mati. xper2, main game ni kne enjoy. x bley tension2 kan. haha
then guitar Shecter Shedevil kepunyaan Zaki tersergam indah disandarkan pd sejibik amplifier(x tau plak amplifier tu model aper. haha).

deng, smart nk mati gitar nih. merah and hitam are definitely my fav color. harga dia pun smart gak. dlm 600 dollar. hek. 
duk main2 ngan gitar dia jap. walaupun x braper reti lagi, bley ah main lagu Escape Dance by Bunkface, 1 chord jer, yg starting. hahahaha :P
Acoustic guitar Yamaha kepunyaan Fuad tuh aq dh wat harta dh. hakhak
ko mmg terbaek ah Fuad! :D
kalau ko nk guna, aq pinjam zaki nyer Ibanez plak :P

pastu ari nih irbthday Dillot yg kawaii :D
happy happy birthday dillot!
alhamdulillah, ader rezeki, dpt makan cake Ben & Jerry :P
thanks ajak yer kawan2 :D

then blaja serba sedikit pasal gitar dr James. walaupun x dpt tangkap sumer, ader la masuk sket2. jeles la tgk org bley main byk2 instrument nih. lg2 kalau sumer instrument tuh dia bley main dgn terer nyer. ceit.

minggu ni nk kne btulkan blk cycle tdo. haih

p.s: xder open house ke minggu nih?cepatlah adeerrrr~
try nk ubah design blog nih. cam fail jer. haih

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

This is just so freakin' awesome. Blew me away every time I watch it.

I'm a dead meat.

I don't feel so good after read the biology textbook for 2 hours. *I studied calculus for 4 hours before that.
OMG, seriously, I feel like I'm going to throw up.
All of these facts, these new words.
I'm a dead meat.

Monday, September 13, 2010

this is something from what I observed on someone.

There's a good friend of mine. She's in love. The problem is, she's in love with someone else's husband. 
I've know her good enough to know that this is not what she wants. It happened beyond her control. 
Before this, she hated guys that are married and still act like they're single. I mean, she really hate them. Then there was a guy approached her and tell her that he loves her. She was furious and decided to play around with this guy. She played along, until she realized she's starting to fall for him too. She quickly try to stop everything. But then, it's too late, I guess.
I don't know how good this guy is with words, but, if she's really into him; he's good. very good.
He's married. He got what people so-called 'experience'
He told her that he still loves his wife, but things just got out of control.
He fell for her. 
and from what I observed, being in love with someone that is married, is not fun at all. I mean, she can only contact him when he's available; meaning when he's at work, or away from his family. There were times when she really need him, and he's not there for her. What's the point of being her boyfriend if you can't be there for her, at any times?
I doubt that this guy really loves her. Even though he did tell her numerous times he wants her to be his wife.
when they got married, would things be better?
I bet it wouldn't. In fact, it will get worse.
I tried to talk to her, approached her as gentle as I can. I don't want to be like others that opposed her strongly. She's a really good friend of mine. I don't want her to go through all this, alone. and I'm still trying. She's trying to end this too. I guess she's not trying hard enough.
I don't know why but I understand her. 
Hope she'll fine someone else that is WAY better than him.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I did almost nothing on this weekend. 
I have homework that due on monday.
I have quizzes on monday and friday.
I have tests on wednesday and friday.
and I haven't study a damn thing.
Yes, its a suicide.
It was fun. now back to the real world.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


No one can live alone.
but I wish I can. 
So I won't get hurt by anyone or hurt anyone.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Jumaat ini hari raya.

so, plan pd malam raya:
study spanish ngan math as aq ader test spanish ngan quiz math.
skype ngan mak selama yg bley. duk tgk org lalu lalang, dtg umah pun jd ah. terasa cam aq ader kt situ skali sket.
layan feeling, melalak sepam-dua ker cun jugak.
haih. nk wat camner kan. byk2 la bersabar.

plan pada hari raya pulak:
pakai baju raya, of course.
'unboxing' kuih raya yg sngt limited yg aq ader nih. ader 2 balang jer; 2 jenis.
1 tu aper ntah nmanyer. 1 lg tart nenas yg 67% hancus.
apshal la tart nih fragile sngt.
nk sarap mkn ketupat ngan rendang.
ketupat xder, nasi impit pun bley la.
rendang? aha. masa balik m'sia tuh, aq dh pikir jauh dh. raya kalau x kne ari cuti, mna ader masa nk masak kan. plus, branscomb nih xder dapur. so, aq beli la rendang yg sedia-ntuk-dimakan cap Brahim. tp yg kurengnyer, aq bwk 1 jer. ces. patut bwk 10 paket/kotak tuh.
pegi kelas seperti biasa. jawab quiz math ngan test spanish ngan jayanyer. balik kelas, bukak lagu raya kuat2. baru la aq start raya! haha 
mlm pegi Eid celebration kt Commons. kalau serve mknn arab yg x sdp cam thn lps, aq order obies lg bgus.

sabtu ader open house MSAV. yes yes. 
nk beraya pun weekend nih jer kot.
isnin dh start balik dh mcm ari2 biasa.
minggu depan ader 2 test. so, kne prepare ah. dh la test bio. haih. 
sepatah haram aq x baca lg nih. nk bunuh diri ke aper nih.

selamat hari raya
minta maaf kalau ader terkasar bahasa, terkecil hati, secara x sengaja atau sengaja
halalkan makan minum
moga aidilfitri thn ni lbh brmakna.
ok, nk wat homework math ngan chbe. nos vemoz.

p.s: rndu nk tunggu dpn tv, kemunculan pak cik yg ditunggu2 oleh ramai org tuh. haha
dpt tgk kt youtube pun jd laaaa.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


kalau tiap kali skype asyik nk meleleh jer air mata nih, susah ah. haih.
deng, extra sensitif sket dh nk raya nih. 
anyway, selamat hari raya, maaf zahir dan batin. 

Saturday, September 4, 2010


please someone be my 'usui takumi'.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

"balik la"

mak maybe gurau jer bler dia ckp camtu masa skype semlm.
but of course dia nak kalau boleh.
there's nothing more that I want on Eid, besides celebrate it with my family.
maafkan anakanda, bonda.
masa nak dtg sini, mak x bg sebenarnyer.
masa nk apply pun mak ckp x payah. 
abah yg beria. aq pulak main2 jer.
skali ader plak rezeki aq, nk menuntut ilmu kt negara org.
mak ckp kt angah, x nk bg aq pegi.
angah ckp biarlah aq pegi, mna ader ahli keluarga kter yg dpt peluang camni.
then mak pun setuju.
aq tau mak risau. yer la, sebelum ni 2 kali aq masuk sekolah asrama, pastu cabut.
penat woo duk asrama. and x thn homesick :P

semenjak-2-menjak nih aq prasan kalau skype ngan mak, ader ketika nyer mak cam, kesat mata dia. aq pun tahan jer, control macho. dh hbs skype, trburai sumer air mata nih. huhu

again, maafkan anakanda, bonda. ini jer yg mampu anakanda lakukan, memohon maaf dr jauh :(