Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I'm tired of taking care of other people's feeling.
Who would take care of mine?

This is why I prefer to do things on my own.
I won't troubled anyone and people won't troubled me too.
I won't hurt anyone and people won't hurt me.

But no one can live alone. I really wish I can.

Maybe it will be a lot easier if I'm a psychopath.
I don't have to deal with this feeling as I don't have any.

But then, I'll start killing people, just like in the movies.


syi Er said...

nannny!!!! seriously aku sgt rasa bende yg sama yg kau rasa.

aku nak sgt hidup sorg2 buat hati kering. nak jadi feelingless dgn bende yg x best happen around me, sbb malas nak pk. huh, seriously aku sgt2 rasa apa kau rase. msti cam moody je kan time ni....huuuh, aini, sabar ye.:) aku nak tlg pn jauh.

Aini Naz said...

thanks syeeraaa :D
kaann. senang kalau feelingless. x ksh org nk wat aper, x ksh kter nk wat aper kt org. haha
yer2, sabar nih. ko pun sabar jugak :D
ni dh kira tolong ah nih
syg ko lbh :)