Thursday, January 1, 2009

My favourite quotation,monologue from movies and tv

There are some dialogues,monologue and interviews that sounds really cool that it stuck in my head!I'm going to list some..just for fun..

From The Dark Knight:

"Why so serious?"-The Joker

"Lets put a smile on that face.."-The Joker

From Star Wars film:

"I'm your father.."

"May the force be with you"

"You're the chosen one!!"-Obi Wan Kenobi

From 24:

"Do you still love me?""I never stop loving you"-Jack Bauer

From Heroes:

"Save the cheerleader, save the world"-Peter Petrelli

From Ironman:

"Peace..I love peace..I'll be out of job if the world in peace..."-Tony Stark

"THEY say the best weapon is the one you don't have to fire..I respectfully disagree..I prefer the weapon you only need to fire ONCE"-Tony Stark

" What you say about people calling you Da Vinci of Times?""Absolutely ridiculous..I don't paint.." -Tony Stark

"Jarvis, sometimes we need to run, before we can walk"-Tony Stark

"Yeah..I can fly"-Tony Stark

"Tony Stark..The most famous mass murderer.."-the bad guy

From Tropic Thunder:

"I know who I am!I'm the dude, playing a dude, disguise as another dude!"-Kirk Lazarus

"I'm sorry the dingo ate ur baby!"-Alpa Chino

"The insecurity level of you guys is ridiculous!"- Kevin Sandusky

"Who left the fridge open.."-Tugg Speedman

"I don't read script..script reads me.."-Kirk lazarus

"I'm just like you..I could take your car key, drive to your home and know where everything is cause I can be like you..except that I'm more important.."-Kirk Lazarus

"I can't believe you people"(Tugg Speedman) "What do you mean YOU people?"(Kirk Lazarus)

"and what do YOU mean you people?"(Alpa Chino)

"you make me hahaha..hahahappy"-Tugg Speedman

From interviews:

"I would like to win an Oscar at the year where someone else deserves it..that would be cool."-Robert Downey Jr.

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